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Remediation Solution

The proper treatment system is variable according to its effluent. Currently, Projeto Ambiental works with the following models, but its own manufacture allows it to be adapted to the customer's needs:

The Rainwater Treatment Station (PRO ETA) is an automatic and compact system for the treatment and use of rainwater, rainwater, collected from roofs and floors, and can be applied in commercial buildings, residential condominiums, industries, gas stations, concessionaires, transporters, construction sites and other enterprises.

The Artesian Well Water Treatment Plant (PRO ETA) is an automatic system for the treatment of water collected from deep wells, framing the water in terms of drinking quality standards.

The Dual Filtration Water Treatment Station (PRO ETAF) is an automatic treatment system with high efficiency, suitable for water treatment with low turbidity and dirt, ideal for quick washes (vehicle washing), laundries and other wastewater.

The Gray Water Treatment Station (PRO ETAF) is designed for the treatment of gray water, reducing the consumption of drinking water in non-noble activities. Gray waters are wastewater generated from domestic processes, such as taps, showers, laundries and washbasins, which are separated from sanitary sewage.

Treatment of biological effluent, sanitary effluent, for projects located in an area without a public sewage collection network. Segments: industries, construction companies, car dealerships, hotels, carriers, bus companies and others.

The effluent treatment system, model PRO ETE, is designed to meet the need for treatment of effluents from vehicle washing, parts washing, laundry, workshops and maintenance areas, oil changes and industrial activities with effluent generation.

Depending on the region, water with a large amount of dissolved salts - such as chloride - is very common, whether in artesian well, spring water and even supplied by the concessionaire. They are intended for homes, buildings, hospitals, hotels, shopping centers, industries, sites, farms, steel mills, mining companies, food and pharmaceutical industries. Installed in water previously treated by concessionaires or rough.

In addition, if the effluent generated contains oil, it is necessary to perform a pretreatment in the Water and Oil Separating Box before being directed to the treatment station.

It depends on the quality of the reused water. This can be classified according to classes 1, 2, 3 and 4. The predominant uses according to the classification are basically the following:

  • Flushing toilets, washing floors and ornamental purposes (fountains, water mirrors, etc.);
  • Washing of clothes and vehicles;
  • Aggregate washing;
  • Concrete preparation;
  • Soil compaction and;
  • Dust control;
  • Irrigation of green areas and irrigation of gardens
  • Cooling of air conditioning equipment (cooling towers);

Conama Resolution 357/2005, amended by Resolution 410/2009 and 430/2011, provides for the classification of bodies of water and environmental guidelines for their classification, as well as establishing the conditions and standards for the discharge of effluents, and other measures. However, the legislation varies by location. That is why it is necessary to pay attention to the legislation of your city / state.

Preventive maintenance is essential to maintain the good condition of the equipment and to guarantee the quality of the treated water. It consists of replacing the filter element, pH electrode and polyester blanket. This maintenance must be carried out from 4 to 6 months, for PRO ETA and PRO ETAF and from 6 to 8 months for PRO ETE and PRO ETB.

In addition, it is necessary to replace the chemical used in the treatment. This replacement is performed by the station operator (company employee (s) trained by the Environmental Project).

Projeto Ambiental also offers technical, operational and analytical monitoring of treatment plants, which maintains the efficiency of the treatment process and guarantees the quality of treated water. This specialized technical support guarantees the good operation of the equipment and consequently keeps it in good condition.

It is not necessary to have a full time employee to operate the station, but it is necessary to carry out the daily monitoring routine, which is guided by the Environmental Project during the operational training of the system.

Treatment Systems Solutions

The proper treatment system is variable according to its effluent. Currently, Projeto Ambiental works with the following models, but its own manufacture allows it to be adapted to the customer's needs:

The Rainwater Treatment Station (PRO ETA) is an automatic and compact system for the treatment and use of rainwater, rainwater, collected from roofs and floors, and can be applied in commercial buildings, residential condominiums, industries, gas stations, concessionaires, transporters, construction sites and other enterprises.

The Artesian Well Water Treatment Plant (PRO ETA) is an automatic system for the treatment of water collected from deep wells, framing the water in terms of drinking quality standards.

The Dual Filtration Water Treatment Station (PRO ETAF) is an automatic treatment system with high efficiency, suitable for water treatment with low turbidity and dirt, ideal for quick washes (vehicle washing), laundries and other wastewater.

The Gray Water Treatment Station (PRO ETAF) is designed for the treatment of gray water, reducing the consumption of drinking water in non-noble activities. Gray waters are wastewater generated from domestic processes, such as taps, showers, laundries and washbasins, which are separated from sanitary sewage.

Treatment of biological effluent, sanitary effluent, for projects located in an area without a public sewage collection network. Segments: industries, construction companies, car dealerships, hotels, carriers, bus companies and others.

The effluent treatment system, model PRO ETE, is designed to meet the need for treatment of effluents from vehicle washing, parts washing, laundry, workshops and maintenance areas, oil changes and industrial activities with effluent generation.

Depending on the region, water with a large amount of dissolved salts - such as chloride - is very common, whether in artesian well, spring water and even supplied by the concessionaire. They are intended for homes, buildings, hospitals, hotels, shopping centers, industries, sites, farms, steel mills, mining companies, food and pharmaceutical industries. Installed in water previously treated by concessionaires or rough.

In addition, if the effluent generated contains oil, it is necessary to perform a pretreatment in the Water and Oil Separating Box before being directed to the treatment station.

It depends on the quality of the reused water. This can be classified according to classes 1, 2, 3 and 4. The predominant uses according to the classification are basically the following:

  • Flushing toilets, washing floors and ornamental purposes (fountains, water mirrors, etc.);
  • Washing of clothes and vehicles;
  • Aggregate washing;
  • Concrete preparation;
  • Soil compaction and;
  • Dust control;
  • Irrigation of green areas and irrigation of gardens
  • Cooling of air conditioning equipment (cooling towers);

Conama Resolution 357/2005, amended by Resolution 410/2009 and 430/2011, provides for the classification of bodies of water and environmental guidelines for their classification, as well as establishing the conditions and standards for the discharge of effluents, and other measures. However, the legislation varies by location. That is why it is necessary to pay attention to the legislation of your city / state.

Preventive maintenance is essential to maintain the good condition of the equipment and to guarantee the quality of the treated water. It consists of replacing the filter element, pH electrode and polyester blanket. This maintenance must be carried out from 4 to 6 months, for PRO ETA and PRO ETAF and from 6 to 8 months for PRO ETE and PRO ETB.

In addition, it is necessary to replace the chemical used in the treatment. This replacement is performed by the station operator (company employee (s) trained by the Environmental Project).

Projeto Ambiental also offers technical, operational and analytical monitoring of treatment plants, which maintains the efficiency of the treatment process and guarantees the quality of treated water. This specialized technical support guarantees the good operation of the equipment and consequently keeps it in good condition.

It is not necessary to have a full time employee to operate the station, but it is necessary to carry out the daily monitoring routine, which is guided by the Environmental Project during the operational training of the system.

Environmental Licensing

There are several factors that determine the need for Environmental Licensing, and each licensing is regulated by specific legislation. You can find out which one is most suitable for your company by downloading our PDF on environmental licensing. clicando aqui.

Operational License:

The Operational License is renewable and has a validity period of up to 5 (five) years, to be established based on the complexity factor of the company's activity. The renewal process must be initiated 120 days before the expiration date of the Operational License.

DAIL (Declaration of Exemption from Environmental Licensing) and CDL (Certificate of Environmental License Exemption).

The DAIL and the CDL do not have an expiration date.

Registration with the National Petroleum Agency (ANP):

The certificate issued by ANP is valid for 3 months and must be renewed quarterly. Projeto Ambiental also offers the sale of a complete registration and renewal package for a 1-year period, so you don't have to worry about renewals during this time.

CADRI (Certificate of Environmental Interest Waste Movement):

The certificate is valid for 1 to 5 years, depending on the complexity factor of the activity. There is no renewal for CADRI. Instead of renewal, the same process must be undertaken to issue a new certificate.

PGRS (Solid Waste Management Plan): 

It does not have an expiration date. Updating the PGRS is only necessary if there are changes in waste management or generation

Water Well Extraction Permit

The granting acts will establish, in common cases, a fixed validity period, namely:

  • Until the completion of the works, in execution licenses;
  • Up to a maximum of 5 (five) years, for authorizations;
  • Up to a maximum of 10 (ten) years, for concessions;
  • Up to a maximum of 30 (thirty) years, for hydraulic works.

Operational License:

Approximately 120 days

DAIL (Declaration of Exemption from Environmental Licensing) and CDL (Certificate of Environmental License Exemption).

Approximately 5 days for the DAIL and 30 to 45 days for the issuance of the CDL.

Registration with the National Petroleum Agency (ANP):

Approximately 10 days for registration and 30 days for regularization.

CADRI (Certificate of Environmental Interest Waste Movement):

Estimated 120 days.

PGRS (Solid Waste Management Plan):

It is not issued by the environmental agency. Projeto Ambiental provides the service, and the timeframe is determined based on the client's needs and the complexity of the Solid Waste Management Plan (PGRS).

Water Well Extraction Permit

Approximately 2 years for the issuance of the water well extraction permit.

No. The environmental agency advises starting the licensing process before the commencement of the operation of the enterprise or licensable activity. In the case of renewal, it is ideal to initiate the process 120 days before the expiration date of the Environmental License to ensure ongoing compliance.

Failure to regularize can result in a warning, citation, and fine, or even temporary closure of the enterprise. Therefore, if your Environmental License has expired, initiate the renewal process as soon as possible.

The environmental agency may conduct an unannounced site inspection at any stage of the licensing process.

The Preliminary License aims to validate the suitability of the location for the project. It is the preliminary stage of activity planning, containing the basic requirements to be met in the installation and operational phases.

The Installation License is intended to verify the suitability of the project for the installation of the enterprise. It grants authorization for the commencement of implementation, in accordance with the specifications outlined in the executive project approved by the environmental agency.

The Operational License aims to verify whether the installation of the enterprise has been carried out in accordance with the approved project at the time of the issuance of the Installation License. After the necessary inspections by the competent authority, the applicant receives authorization to commence the licensed activity and the operation of its equipment, as outlined in the Preliminary and Installation Licenses.

Companies with activities exempt from environmental licensing can request the Declaration of Exemption from Environmental Licensing (DAIL), and companies that need to ensure and formalize that their activity is exempt from the obligation of environmental licensing for operation can request the Certificate of Environmental License Exemption (CDL).

Firstly, it is necessary to determine if the municipality has an agreement to carry out the Environmental Licensing process. If affirmative, municipalities commonly license activities with low and medium environmental impact. There may also be cases of high-impact environmental licensing, but these are usually conducted by the state authority.

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