3-in-1 Water and Oil Separator Box by Projeto Ambiental.

The 3-in-1 Water and Oil Separator Box (PRO S.A.O) by Projeto Ambiental is a tripartite prism module designed to be installed in industrial sectors where water is generated with the presence of oils and greases. It combines in the same equipment the water and sand separator box (S.A.A) for the retention of coarse solids, the water and oil separator box (S.A.O) with coalescent plates and a double skimmer for oil removal, and the inspection and transfer box.

In compliance with the environmental standards of Decree 8468/76 Art. 18 and 19 A and CONAMA 20 and 430, all sectors that generate effluents containing oils and greases must install both a Water and Sand Separator Box (Box W.S.S) and a Water and Oil Separator Box (Box W.O.S), with coalescing plates. Examples of sectors include workshops, low maintenance, oil changing, vehicle washing, parts washing, refueling areas, and others.

Advantages of water and oil separator boxes:

  • Single module manufactured in PP polypropylene,
  • Comprising WSS (Water and Sand Separator), WOS (Water and Oil Separator), and transfer.
  • Aerial or underground installation in a low masonry box.
  • Inspection cover, easy maintenance.
  • Drains for emptying and cleaning.
  • Complies with environmental regulations.
  • Guaranteed leakproofness.
  • With coalescing plates.

The PRO W.O.S separator box is manufactured in polypropylene (PP) with UV protection, offering high thermal and mechanical resistance, safety, ease of maintenance, and guaranteed leakproofness. It performs a preliminary treatment by separating oils and greases from the water for disposal into the sewage collection network or for subsequent treatment for the reuse of treated water.


3-in-1 separator box models:

PRO 500 - Flow rate of 500 liters per hour

PRO 1000 - Flow rate of 1.000 liters per hour

PRO 2000 - Flow rate of 2.000 liters per hour

PRO 3000 - Flow rate of 3.000 liters per hour

PRO 5000 - Flow rate of 5.000 liter per hour

PRO 8000 - Flow rate of 8.000 liter per hour

PRO 10000 - Flow rate of 10.000 liter per hour

PRO 12000 - Flow rate of 12.000 liters per hour

PRO 15000 - Flow rate of 15.000 liters per hour

Other Solutions

Artesian Well Water Treatment Station – WTS

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Industrial Effluent Treatment Station – IETS

Effluent treatment for reuse, option for sale or lease. Savings and environmental action in a single solution.

Preliminary Assessment

Preliminary assessment study, prior environmental diagnosis of areas complying with DD 038/2017

Environmental Operating License

Operating license and LO renewal for companies and enterprises, expertise and agility in the process

Confirmatory Investigation of Environmental Liability.

Environmental Study of Environmental Liability to confirm or deny the presence of contaminants in the area.

Detailed Investigation and Intervention Plan

Environmental Study to quantify and qualify the contamination, and define the intervention plan.

Federal Technical Registration with IBAMA.

Technical registration with IBAMA for companies with potentially polluting activities.

Remediation of Contaminated Areas

Technologies for remediation and rehabilitation of contaminated areas, in less time and at a lower cost.

CADRI – Certificate of Movement of Waste of Environmental Interest

Waste management, correct final disposal with CADRI issued by the environmental agency. Safety and compliance with environmental law.

Estação de Tratamento de Água Captada de Poço para Consumo Humano – ETA

Water treatment captured from a well for human consumption, savings, automation, and quality.

Oil and Water Separator Box S.A.O.

3-in-1 water and sand, and oil and water separator, with coalescing plates, durability, and efficiency.

Technical, operational, and analytical monitoring of effluent treatment stations

Technical visits for inspection, verification, control, and monitoring of the treatment station.

Technical, operational, and analytical monitoring of water treatment stations for water drawn from deep wells

System monitoring and water quality control in conjunction with the health surveillance by a chemical professional.

Estação de Tratamento de Água Pluvial – ETA

Rainwater reuse, reduction in potable water expenses, environmental action, and visibility for your company.

Groundwater Sampling Campaign

Environmental monitoring and tracking of groundwater with laboratory analyses.

Effluent Treatment Station for Construction Sites – ETS

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Effluent Treatment Station for Vehicle Washing – ETS

Are you in a contaminated area and unsure how to resolve it? We have the solution. Discover our remediation systems and get a quote!

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Are you in a contaminated area and unsure how to resolve it? We have the solution. Discover our remediation systems and get a quote!

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Are you in a contaminated area and unsure how to resolve it? We have the solution. Discover our remediation systems and get a quote!

Estação de Tratamento de Efluente para Garagens de Ônibus – ETE

Are you in a contaminated area and unsure how to resolve it? We have the solution. Discover our remediation systems and get a quote!

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Estação de Tratamento de Água Pluvial para Indústrias – ETA

Regularize your company and operate safely by requesting the appropriate Environmental Licensing. Understand what type of Licensing your company needs.