The Confirmatory Investigation environmental study's main objective is to confirm or deny the existence of contamination in the area under evaluation, by investigating all potential and primary sources of contamination. (CETESB, DD-038/2017/C).

The second stage of Contaminated Areas Management is the execution of the Confirmatory Investigation environmental study, where drilling and the installation of monitoring wells are carried out for the collection and analysis of soil and groundwater for the investigation process and confirmation of the presence of environmental contaminants of interest.


When to Conduct the Confirmatory Investigation


The Legal Guardians of the areas where the Preliminary Assessment was conducted and where there were indications or suspicions of contamination, as well as areas summoned by CETESB and areas with contamination potential (AP), are required to conduct the confirmatory investigation of environmental liability.

In all cases, the Confirmatory Investigation should be preceded by the Preliminary Assessment, according to Board Decision No. 038/2017. It is executed based on the confirmatory investigation plan presented in the preliminary assessment report and follows the technical standards and contaminated areas management manual


Stages of the Confirmatory Investigation


The environmental study consists of carrying out actions including: collection of existing data, evaluation of the investigation plan (location of suspected contamination points for the installation of monitoring wells), collection and chemical analysis of soil and groundwater samples, and interpretation of the results.

Soil drillings are conducted, monitoring wells for groundwater and vapor sampling wells are installed, along with other techniques and procedures in the source areas identified in the Preliminary Assessment. These will serve for soil and groundwater sampling for the evaluation and monitoring of the study area.

Projeto Ambiental performs groundwater sampling through the low-flow process, meeting the requirements of Resolution SMA n° 100 of October 22, 2013, and Board Decision No. 310/2014/E/C/I, of October 21, 2014. With bladder collection equipment for pumping connected to multi-parameter mediation cells, it reduces disturbances in the well's water column and formation, reducing and controlling the sample's turbidity.

The physical-chemical laboratory analyses are carried out in laboratories Accredited by INMETRO 17.025. The interpretation of the analytical results confirms and identifies or denies the presence of contamination in the study area.

etapas da investigação confirmatória

Confirmation of Contaminated Area under Investigation


After confirming the presence of contaminants, the area will be classified as a Contaminated Area under Investigation (ACI) if it fits one or more of the conditions established in article 28 of Decree No. 59.263/2013, being:

I - Contaminants in soil or groundwater in concentrations above Intervention Values;

II - Product or substance in free phase;

III - Substances, conditions, or situations that, according to specific parameters, may represent danger, as per article 19, § 3º of this decree; IV - Hazardous waste disposed of in non-compliance with current regulations.”

Once the presence of contaminants in the study area is confirmed, the legal guardian must proceed with the contaminated area management process as determined by DD 038/17, conducting the environmental study of detailed investigation and intervention plan., with the aim of quantifying and qualifying the contaminant, as well as delimiting the contamination plume, defining actions for remediation.

Hiring Projeto Ambiental to conduct the confirmatory investigation study brings various benefits, such as:


Specialized Expertise: A team of professionals qualified in environmental engineering, chemical engineering, geology, and other disciplines, ensuring accurate analyses and appropriate interpretation of data.

Regulatory Compliance: Deep knowledge of current environmental regulations, ensuring that all stages of the study comply with legal requirements.

Risk Assessment: Our specialists identify environmental and health risks associated with the liability, allowing for proactive mitigation actions.

Advanced Technology: We have various equipment and technologies for environmental investigation, sampling, and analysis of soil, water, and air.

Detailed Reports: We prepare comprehensive technical reports that provide clear information about contamination, assisting in making informed decisions.

Time and Resource Savings: Experienced professionals who streamline the process, reducing the time and costs involved in the investigation.

Minimization of Future Liabilities: Conducting a well-executed study helps prevent potential future litigation and legal costs related to environmental issues.

Communication Support: Our consultants assist in communication with stakeholders, including regulatory authorities.

Continuous Improvement We provide recommendations that assist in the implementation of effective remediation strategies for site recovery.

Other Solutions

Estação de Tratamento de Água de Poço Artesiano – ETAF

Water treatment captured from a well for human consumption, savings, automation, and quality.

Industrial Effluent Treatment Station – IETS

Effluent treatment for reuse, option for sale or lease. Savings and environmental action in a single solution.

Preliminary Assessment

Preliminary assessment study, prior environmental diagnosis of areas complying with DD 038/2017

Environmental Operating License

Operating license and LO renewal for companies and enterprises, expertise and agility in the process

Confirmatory Investigation of Environmental Liability.

Environmental Study of Environmental Liability to confirm or deny the presence of contaminants in the area.

Detailed Investigation and Intervention Plan

Environmental Study to quantify and qualify the contamination, and define the intervention plan.

Federal Technical Registration with IBAMA.

Technical registration with IBAMA for companies with potentially polluting activities.

Remediation of Contaminated Areas

Technologies for remediation and rehabilitation of contaminated areas, in less time and at a lower cost.

CADRI – Certificate of Movement of Waste of Environmental Interest

Waste management, correct final disposal with CADRI issued by the environmental agency. Safety and compliance with environmental law.

Wastewater treatment for water captured from a well for human consumption – WTS

Water treatment captured from a well for human consumption, savings, automation, and quality.

Oil and Water Separator Box S.A.O.

3-in-1 water and sand, and oil and water separator, with coalescing plates, durability, and efficiency.

Sanitary Sewage Treatment Station – SSTS

Solution for effluent disposal or reuse, compact and automatic system, with options for purchase and rental.

Technical, operational, and analytical monitoring of effluent treatment stations

Technical visits for inspection, verification, control, and monitoring of the treatment station.

Technical, operational, and analytical monitoring of water treatment stations for water drawn from deep wells

System monitoring and water quality control in conjunction with the health surveillance by a chemical professional.

Estação de tratamento de água pluvial- ETA

Rainwater reuse, reduction in potable water expenses, environmental action, and visibility for your company.

Groundwater Sampling Campaign

Environmental monitoring and tracking of groundwater with laboratory analyses.

Effluent Treatment Station for Construction Sites – ETS

Are you in a contaminated area and unsure how to resolve it? We have the solution. Discover our remediation systems and get a quote!

Effluent Treatment Station for Vehicle Washing – ETS

Are you in a contaminated area and unsure how to resolve it? We have the solution. Discover our remediation systems and get a quote!

Effluent Treatment Station for Fueling Stations – ETS

Are you in a contaminated area and unsure how to resolve it? We have the solution. Discover our remediation systems and get a quote!

Effluent Treatment Station for Transport Companies – ETS

Are you in a contaminated area and unsure how to resolve it? We have the solution. Discover our remediation systems and get a quote!

Effluent Treatment Station for Bus Garages – ETS

Are you in a contaminated area and unsure how to resolve it? We have the solution. Discover our remediation systems and get a quote!

Sanitary Sewage Treatment Station for construction sites and subdivisions – SSTS

Tanks for storing water, effluents, or chemical products, with high thermal and mechanical resistance.

Sanitary Sewage Treatment Station for industries – SSTS

Is your company located in an area without a sewage collection network? Discover the most suitable system for biological effluent treatment.

Sanitary Sewage Treatment Station for commercial buildings and shopping centers – SSTS

Does your effluent contain oil and/or grease residues? Do you need pre-treatment for disposal or reuse?

Rainwater Treatment Station for commercial buildings and subdivisions – RTS

Eliminate the disposal of your effluent by treating and reusing it. Want to understand how other companies have benefited from this solution? The savings are significant!

Rainwater Treatment Station for Industries – RTS

Regularize your company and operate safely by requesting the appropriate Environmental Licensing. Understand what type of Licensing your company needs.