Treatability test for solutions in water and effluent treatment
The treatability test carried out on a bench scale, using the Jar Test, serves to preliminarily verify the physicochemical water and/or effluent treatment process. The treatability test allows for the sizing and validation of the system layout and the treatment process for water and effluents, whether for disposal or reuse.
The tests are conducted on composite samples, meaning samples that were collected over the operation period of the production or effluent generation sector.
In the laboratory using the Jar Test, physicochemical treatment processes are simulated on a bench scale by adding chemical reagents, identifying the process that produced the best quality of the treated final water. The sample with the best end result is sent to a laboratory accredited by Inmetro 17.025 to conduct a laboratory analysis and validate the water quality to the standards required to comply with current legislation.
After the completion of the analyses, technical reports are issued with specifications of analytical parameters, quantification limits, technical standards, photographic records, and analytical methods used. The reports are duly signed by a chemical engineer.
Advantages of conducting treatability tests on water and effluents
- Ensures the efficiency and effectiveness of the system.
- Confidence in the quality standard of the treated water
- Assists with the treatment station purchasing process.
- Reduction of risks from inappropriate equipment purchase
- Comparison of suppliers and technologies.