The remediation of contaminated areas consists of implementing measures that result in the reduction or removal of contaminants present in the area or in the containment and isolation of contaminants to achieve the objectives approved in the remediation project and the goals set in the Detailed Investigation, Risk Analysis, and Intervention Plan.



Remediation and Contaminated Area Management


Environmental remediation is the second stage of contaminated area management when the investigated area progresses to the process of rehabilitating contaminated areas as per the DD 038/2017 of CETESB. It should be carried out after the completion of the detailed investigation and intervention plan, with these previous studies responsible for identifying and determining the intervention actions for the reduction and removal of contaminants present on the site.

In specific cases, when there is confirmation of free-phase contaminants during the confirmatory investigation stage, the property owner may undertake emergency intervention actions, remediation of the free phase, while continuing the investigation process in accordance with the contaminated area management manual.

How to determine the environmental remediation technique

Projeto Ambiental selects the technique or set of techniques to implement the intervention plan. The selection of the best environmental remediation technique considers several factors analyzed by the technical team, taking into account the results of the intervention plan, characteristics, and quantification of contaminants obtained in the detailed investigation, including:

Available technique in the market;

Applicability of the technique considering the chemicals of interest and the physical environment;

Implementation cost and feasibility;

History of technique utilization for similar cases;

Time required to achieve remediation goals.


Multiple techniques can be applied simultaneously in a contaminated area, increasing the efficiency of extraction
to ensure these results, in some cases, a Remediation Pilot Test, bench-scale testing, and field testing are conducted to size the remediation system and establish the operation of the implemented system, aiming at enhancing the extraction of contaminants and reducing the remediation time

temos mais de 183.600.00 litros de contaminante remediado


In Projeto Ambiental's Remediation Systems, the techniques used follow an international trend in remediation for the extraction of free phase - dissolved phase and retained phase from groundwater and soil with the aim of achieving immediate results and at a lower cost.


Existing remediation techniques


There are several environmental remediation techniques available in the market today, each designed to address different types of contamination and geophysical conditions of the contaminated area. The most applied techniques in Brazil are:

Pump and treat (bombamento e tratamento): Pumping and treatment system for groundwater, targeting both free and dissolved phases.

The Pump and Treat System is one of the most traditional remediation methods, which involves pumping contaminated groundwater (dissolved phase) and the sub-surface free phase to the surface through pumping wells for subsequent treatment.

For the treatment of contaminants, numerous techniques can be used, such as biological treatment, physico-chemical treatment, among others, depending on the concentrations and types of contaminants found at the site.

DPE – Dual Phase Extraction: Pumping and vacuum extraction system for the removal of free phase, dissolved, and adsorbed contaminants in soil and groundwater.

The Dual-Phase Extraction (DPE) is based on the use of a vacuum generation system through piping, which extracts gases from the soil and simultaneously extracts groundwater using a pneumatic pump, both installed in the same monitoring well. This methodology is applicable for the simultaneous extraction of free/dissolved phase and vapor in the unsaturated zone.

MPE – Multi Phase Extraction: Vacuum extraction system for the removal of free phase, dissolved, and adsorbed contaminants in soil and groundwater.

The Multi-Phase Extraction (MPE) is based on the use of a vacuum generation system where liquids and gases are extracted through the same piping. This methodology is highly applicable for the simultaneous extraction of free phase and vapor in the unsaturated zone.

SVE – Soil Vapor Extraction: The Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) remediation system is designed for extracting vapor phase contaminants retained in the soil using a vacuum. It involves the vacuum extraction of volatile contaminants present in the unsaturated soil layer. SVE is an "in situ" remediation method used for treating volatile organic compounds.

POA - Advanced Oxidation Process Chemical oxidation injection system for contaminant degradation.

Air Sparging: Remediation system for volatile organic compounds dissolved in groundwater or sorbed in soil particles through controlled air injections.

Differentiators of Projeto Ambiental in the contaminated site remediation service


We operate from the execution of environmental investigation studies and intervention plans, to the manufacturing and implementation of remediation techniques, including the service of restoring degraded areas below:


Pilot testing to verify the efficiency of the remediation to be implemented;

Development and installation of the remediation system on-site;

Technical and operational monitoring of the remediation system

Monitoring of the efficiency and effectiveness of the remediation;


Have confidence and assurance in the remediation process with the assistance of Projeto Ambiental, discover our differentials, and obtain the rehabilitation certificate for your company.


→ In-house manufacturing of our remediation equipment;


→ Expertise in manufacturing water and effluent treatment plants;


→ Over 20 years of experience in contaminated areas;


→ We operate with more than 08 remediation techniques;


→ Reduced remediation time through the combination of techniques and technologies;


→ Own laboratory for treatability tests;


→ Compact and mobile equipment, mobile system for pilot testing;


→ Technical records, capacity certificates, and rehabilitation certificates issued;


Other Solutions

Artesian Well Water Treatment Station – WTS

Water treatment captured from a well for human consumption, savings, automation, and quality.

Industrial Effluent Treatment Station – IETS

Effluent treatment for reuse, option for sale or lease. Savings and environmental action in a single solution.

Preliminary Assessment

Preliminary assessment study, prior environmental diagnosis of areas complying with DD 038/2017

Environmental Operating License

Operating license and LO renewal for companies and enterprises, expertise and agility in the process

Confirmatory Investigation of Environmental Liability.

Environmental Study of Environmental Liability to confirm or deny the presence of contaminants in the area.

Detailed Investigation and Intervention Plan

Environmental Study to quantify and qualify the contamination, and define the intervention plan.

Federal Technical Registration with IBAMA.

Technical registration with IBAMA for companies with potentially polluting activities.

Remediation of Contaminated Areas

Technologies for remediation and rehabilitation of contaminated areas, in less time and at a lower cost.

CADRI – Certificate of Movement of Waste of Environmental Interest

Waste management, correct final disposal with CADRI issued by the environmental agency. Safety and compliance with environmental law.

Estação de Tratamento de Água Captada de Poço para Consumo Humano – ETA

Water treatment captured from a well for human consumption, savings, automation, and quality.

Oil and Water Separator Box S.A.O.

3-in-1 water and sand, and oil and water separator, with coalescing plates, durability, and efficiency.

Technical, operational, and analytical monitoring of effluent treatment stations

Technical visits for inspection, verification, control, and monitoring of the treatment station.

Technical, operational, and analytical monitoring of water treatment stations for water drawn from deep wells

System monitoring and water quality control in conjunction with the health surveillance by a chemical professional.

Estação de Tratamento de Água Pluvial – ETA

Rainwater reuse, reduction in potable water expenses, environmental action, and visibility for your company.

Groundwater Sampling Campaign

Environmental monitoring and tracking of groundwater with laboratory analyses.

Effluent Treatment Station for Construction Sites – ETS

Are you in a contaminated area and unsure how to resolve it? We have the solution. Discover our remediation systems and get a quote!

Effluent Treatment Station for Vehicle Washing – ETS

Are you in a contaminated area and unsure how to resolve it? We have the solution. Discover our remediation systems and get a quote!

Estação de Tratamento de Efluente para Postos de Abastecimento – ETE

Are you in a contaminated area and unsure how to resolve it? We have the solution. Discover our remediation systems and get a quote!

Estação de Tratamento de Efluente para Transportadoras – ETE

Are you in a contaminated area and unsure how to resolve it? We have the solution. Discover our remediation systems and get a quote!

Estação de Tratamento de Efluente para Garagens de Ônibus – ETE

Are you in a contaminated area and unsure how to resolve it? We have the solution. Discover our remediation systems and get a quote!

Estação de Tratamento do Esgoto Sanitário para Canteiros de Obras e Loteamentos – ETB

Tanks for storing water, effluents, or chemical products, with high thermal and mechanical resistance.

Estação de Tratamento do Esgoto Sanitário para Indústrias – ETB

Is your company located in an area without a sewage collection network? Discover the most suitable system for biological effluent treatment.

Estação de Tratamento do Esgoto Sanitário para Prédios Comerciais e Shopping – ETB

Does your effluent contain oil and/or grease residues? Do you need pre-treatment for disposal or reuse?

Estação de Tratamento de Água Pluvial para Prédios Comerciais e Loteamentos – ETA

Eliminate the disposal of your effluent by treating and reusing it. Want to understand how other companies have benefited from this solution? The savings are significant!

Estação de Tratamento de Água Pluvial para Indústrias – ETA

Regularize your company and operate safely by requesting the appropriate Environmental Licensing. Understand what type of Licensing your company needs.